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Requirements for the team

Sports Clearance packets must be filled out and turned in before the first day of tryouts.

Clearance packets can be printed from the SHS Athletics home page or can be picked up at the Activities office.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."



Three Pillars of Southridge High School Boys Soccer

1. Effort:

Effort is the first thing we look at as a coaching staff. Effort is the amount of sweat, tears and guts a player gives on and  off the field. This is shown in class, during practice, and during a game.


2. Commitment:

Commitment is the second thing we look for as a coaching staff. Commitment is being there everyday, showing that they are at soccer both mentally and physically. It also means they are in school and keeping their grades up. If they have to worry about grades they cannot be fully or commit fully on the soccer field.

3. Soccer Skills:

Soccer skills are the tactical and technical skills needed to perform at your best on the soccer field. Can they pass, can they shoot, and can they see what is happening on the soccer field.

All of these pillars go hand in hand. If you give the effort, your commitment will be there. When you are committed with effort, your soccer skills get better. You also become a better Student-athlete and grades are a must.

Southridge Boys Soccer 2014


1. OPEN Gym “Indoor Soccer” to start in January and will typically run from 8:30pm-10pm at SHS Main Gym Tuesdays and Thursdays with some sort of conditioning element to be implemented (i.e. running, plyometrics, etc.)


2. Soccer players need to be lifting and conditioning during pre-season if not already doing so.  Emphasis should be placed on the following lifts to increase strength and for injury prevention:

  • Cleans

  • Squats

  • Bench/push-ups

  • Abdominals

  • Pull-ups


Players should look to lift together as it increases motivation when you are lifting with a teammate/friend and gives you something to track your progress against.I can help anyone interested in developing a routine for lifting.


Ways to lift:

  • SHS has “BLAST” (Ballistic, Lifting, Agility, Speed Training) program available to interested athletes after school at no cost.  2:45-4pm in the Weight Room. 

  • Gold’s Gym/Tri-City Court Club, etc.

  • Home Gym

  • SHS Weights Class


Cardio Training needs to be a large part of the pre-season conditioning program.  Players should be jogging a minimum of 8-10 miles/week.  Doing sprinting pyramid at least 1-2 times/week (5x10yds, 4x20yds, 3x30yds, 2x40yds, 1x50yds, when your fit work all the way back down the pyramid).


3. Start of Season Conditioning Test

  • T-Test (Agility)

  • Cooper Test (12 minute run for distance)

  •  Varsity Field Players Expected: 7.25 laps (6:40/mile)

  • Varsity Goalkeepers Expected:  6.75 laps (7:10/mile)

  • Push-ups Max

  • Sit-ups (60 seconds Max)


4. First Day of Practice 3/3/2014.  All paperwork, fees, and physical form need to be turned in to the activities office.

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